Session information
Our sessions are held at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, every Thursday. Learn more

SV is an inclusive weekly music group for children and adults. SV is a fun and friendly group, built on the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to engage with music. This is our mission, as well as bringing freedom of expression, a sense of empowerment and positive well-being to our students, staff, parents, carers and audiences through the celebration of quality, creativity and diversity in Greater Manchester and beyond.
Special Virtuosi was shortlisted as a finalist for the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence, Best SEND Resource 2017. To celebrate this achievement, SV were invited to perform at the Music and Drama Education Expo in London, February 2017.
“Special Virtuosi has been based at the RNCM for ten years and it’s been wonderful to see it develop into such a worthwhile and fulfilling project for so many musicians with additional needs. Each year RNCM students have the opportunity to work with Special Virtuosi teachers and students, gaining both valuable professional experience and life skills.”
Professor Linda Merrick, RNCM Principal
Founded in 2006, SV has maintained a strong relationship with its students, parents, carers and volunteers. Some have attended since the beginning and their loyalty has created a real sense of ‘family’ into which visitors and newcomers are always made to feel welcome. By providing a regular structure and setting for the sessions, we create a safe and predictable environment where we encourage the students to challenge themselves and try new things.
Get involved
Do you know someone who would like to come to our sessions or become a volunteer? We are always keen to welcome new members to our group!
Our sessions are held at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, every Thursday. Learn more
SV Blog
My name is Luke. I love the concerts in SV because I watch Kate or Kyran conducting me so that I play the right tune. It’s really good doing a solo because I choose a tune I like and practise it so that I get better at it. I love doing all the activities that Gemma taught me and I love my friends and I love to hear Florence playing her xylophone.
A collection of testimonial messages from our students, parents, carers and volunteer tutors.